Discover the journey that reveals if magic becomes science, with…

The Master Of


The psychic journey begins

Aiden’s path into the Telekinesis world

Who has not asked himself at least once whether telekinesis and telepathy are real?

But have you ever wondered if there is a place to… learn these skills?

Is there a real scientific explanation for telepathy and telekinesis?

And another question, is it possible to learn telekinesis but also enjoy while learning with the help of a fun story?

Aiden Conner’s journey in The Master of Telekinesis is the answer to all this


The master of telekinesis 1

Embark on an adventure that will reveal the mysteries of telekinesis

Available on Amazon

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Aiden’s mind-bending adventure continues….
Get the Second Book of the series NOW!

The master of telekinesis 2 - the treasures of the sicarii

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A taste of the book. Discover how things get complicated in the telekinesis world that for generations has managed to keep secret

ie. Parental Notice

It is important to let children read educational books.
The Master of Telekinesis is an educational book that is both clean fun to read

Marching into the Telekinesis World

Meet the telekinetic crew

It will take a little more than telekinesis to separate between them

Aiden conner

Aiden Conner

Our pampered star

A spoiled and perhaps even irritable child beyond the norm, knew nothing but the ordinary world – like most of us – before “it” landed on him. Aiden will be forced to overcome his shortcomings and even squeeze his telekinetic powers to the limit beyond what a child his age is capable of doing.

Diana Basinger

The Mystery Girl

Everyone has at least one weakness and Diana is the one who managed to be Aiden’s. She’s mysterious, she’s noble, enigmatic, and… a little scary. And yes, Aiden is always afraid that this dream girl is even stronger than him, but despite his fears, he cannot resist trying to discover her secret.

Diana Basinger
Leo Steele

Leo Steele

The snooze dude

In one word? Snoozy, annoying, cunning, cunning, and cute. Sorry, it’s impossible to describe him in one word. But it is precisely this snooze guy that Aiden will have to side with, in his dangerous journey.

"The Master Of Telekinesis is nothing less than overwhelming,empowering and thought-provoking adventure. A brilliant, original and wittydebut novel, full of sociable humor and honed humor, a great concept thatcombines a new and beautifully constructed new world .The hero of the story will turn out to be a true humanhero, and not just because of his telekinetic abilities that will magnetize theyoung reader to dive between the pages. In light of the above circumstances,five stars without blinking."

"This is a very enchanting story. It is my hope this is the beginning of a series. This is a story about an adopted boy who finds out his birth parents had special gifts and he shows signs he too has these gifts. His adoptive parents agree to let him go to a special school. Aiden and his friends are trying to learn telepathy and life at Teleschool is quite an adventure."

"What a cute story. Honestly, the cover and the word telekinesis pulled me in. I really enjoyed the story. I would recommend the book to readers who enjoy a good, thrilled ridden MG story."

A little about me (The Author)

“My name is Idan Knochen. I was born in Israel in 1988. At the end of the Gulf War when I was two years old, my family immigrated to Uruguay. We lived there in an attic above the delicatessen we opened. We had a junkyard there, I found an antique typewriter in it and immediately fell in love with writing fantasy stories. When I was 17 I wrote my first book which was quite successful in Israel. At the age of 22, I finished writing the first book in the Master of Telekinesis trilogy…”

Idan Knochen

Want to really learn telekinesis?

The telekinesis journey continues

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