Books that came out so far

All the telekinesis and telepathy books that have been published, and the future
books in “The master of Telekinesis” trilogy, and in the sequels

The master of Telekinesis 1

The ancient tree

Who has not asked himself at least once whether telekinesis and telepathy are real? But have you ever wondered if there is a place to… learn these skills? Aiden Conner has not excelled at being a normal child, especially since his parents disappeared. But to go from his so-called normal life to ending up in a hidden and secret city whose inhabitants use telekinesis and read minds, to be haunted by a formidable enemy searching for him even before Aiden was born, and to storm into an enemy camp in the heart of modern New York with a pair of fluttering swords? These are things Aiden did not imagine even in his wildest dreams (and he’s had some wild ones). But Aiden’s greatest challenge will be figuring out the right thing to do, because the telekinesis world he’s fallen in love with is at stake and everything depends on him and him alone.

The master of Telekinesis 2

The Treasures of the Sicarii

Aiden, the boy with the special purple aura who was born in the dark cellars of Amraphel, believed he came to the TeleSchool only to learn to hypnotize people, to read their minds and move things without touching them. No one told him that in addition to these gods he would have to constantly dodge a powerful villain behind a small army, become popular among the crazy Seisnick journalists, reveal a secret formula hidden among eccentric Indians, and separate at the very last moment between two armies crushing each other in flying logs.And if that wasn’t enough, Aiden now faces a new secret that manages to complicate matters even further.Following his heroic deeds, legendary forces that have worked for him in the past, have arisen. The problem is that Amraphel was just waiting for the awakening of these forces so that he could follow them in order to lay his hands on their special treasure.This treasure will reconnect Aiden to the distant past and to his vanishing family, who once again managed to leave for him clues that may help him save what is most precious to him from all.

Telekinesis mini School

A guide for youngsters who wish to try their luck with telekinesis, or have fun with it. This guide, along with the books in “The Master Of Telekinesis” series, can get you not only to believe in telekinesis but “live” telekinesis, which is, according to those who understand the subject, the most significant thing to succeed in performing real telekinesis. In the book, you will find practical exercises for performing telekinesis, shattering common mistakes, training programs, and more, all to unleash the dormant telekinetic ability in anyone capable. Free Bonus: Telepathy and Hypnosis Training Chapter!”

Free Bonus: Telepathy and Hypnosis Training Chapter!”


Coming soon

The master of Circumstances 1

Ans the Genesis Staff

Synopsis coming soon!

The master of circumnstances 1

Future books

The First Sicarii

Synopsis coming soon!

The first sicarii

The Master Of Science

Synopsis coming soon!

The master of sciense

The Master Of Telekinesis 3

A Battle Of Black & White

Synopsis coming soon!

The master of telekinesis 3

The Master Of Circumstances 2

And The Secret Of Acshafin Fortress

Synopsis coming soon!

The master of circumnstances 2
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