Telekinesis class number 1 – Faith

Do telekinesis and telepathy exist? That’s one question. But if so, there is no doubt what it takes to make it happen.


Telekinesis class” number one.

We have repeatedly emphasized in “The Master of Telekinesis” (and if you have not yet read the book, then here is a link to buy “The Master of Telekinesis”) that in order to make something happen, one must believe in it, and that is not necessarily in Telekinesis and telepathy – but in everything in life. It has to do with “hypnosis.” And why?

A short hypnosis lesson:

We will briefly explain what hypnosis is, (and in the future we will explain it at length): Hypnosis is the body’s focus on a target that comes from a particular command (Suggestion) that is received from outside of us – or from within us. Yes, a person can hypnotize himself and make himself do unusual – but not impossible things. But just getting today’s people to concentrate is an almost impossible task, because our ability to concentrate today is terrible to say the least, so it makes a lot more sense that we would have a harder time than any other generation to concentrate on something special and perform it. On the other hand, people who manage to really concentrate today, have a huge and great concentration ability from people from the past generation, because they manage to distract themselves from a huge amount of brain stimuli that did not exist in past generations.

The need for faith

Let’s get back to business. We will talk a lot more about this belief and its synonyms (and this is an important thing in itself, because sometimes a person can get excited and awake and understand one particular phrase instead of another, and that is what will motivate him and lead him to success). Telepathy and telekinesis as being far more difficult than the standard everyday abilities, will require effort and focus not only much, but also a stronger-than-usual belief, and on the other hand, reality pushes that belief away. It will take a great desire and great faith to achieve results in telepathy and telekinesis, and if we have decided to go for it in order to succeed in telekinesis and telepathy, then faith is certainly the first thing we must work on – or even check if we have it or direction of receiving it. In time you will find that the initial urge to make things fly in the room will dissipate after a number of failures, simply because our brain will say that the effort is not worth it. Therefore, in order to strengthen our faith, we will need a very good reason just to believe that telekinesis and telepathy are possible.
And if you found a good enough reason to succeed in telekinesis and telepathy, why not write it to us?

See you in the next lesson!


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