Telekinesis class number 2 – Understand telekinesis in depth

Have you decided that telekinesis and telepathy exist?


Haven’t decided yet?

So go back to lesson number one and apply it, and do it well.


lets start.

“Concentration”. We concentrated everything left into one word. Why? We’ve touched this subject before, but here we’ll expand on the topic of…


I personally would define hypnosis almost as a synonym for “concentration.” Why? Because that’s what hypnosis does, and at a very high level. And why only “almost”? Because hypnosis includes two other things: the external or personal “suggestion“, my “consent”, and finally the “focus” or “concentration” of the internal and external body to perform the task. It turns out that along with the “concentration” hypnosis is a complex of three (this is my personal division, others may share things differently).

On the other hand, even in non-hypnosis concentration there is the suggestion, in a different way though, but to not get confused we will return to our subject and try to return to this point in the future perhaps.


Why is concentration critical for performing telekinesis?

Well: to succeed in telekinesis and telepathy and to master telekinesis, you need tremendous concentration. The reason is obvious: because telekinesis is a very difficult thing to do, very unique, requires a huge desire to persevere, requires true faith, and probably requires skill of a certain muscle That we do not know how to operate it easily until we find it, and even then it must exert himself like any muscle (imagine a very strong man who can lift a car. Despite his great strength, he will still have to exert himself to do so, and for that he will have to maintain his muscles well). All of this requires focus and the ability to distract from any distraction, and we will have to develop this muscle slowly until it can tolerate the effort of concentration with the strong desire to move an object out of place without touching it in telekinesis, and endure the effort of trying telekinesis for a long time because we do not know exactly What causes the result of telekinesis, we only know the way there. Once this happens, you will already understand what telekinesis requires, but until you succeed for the first time, you will have to do it through deep and prolonged concentration, and until the moment you acquire such concentration, it will take time and prolonged training.


So why did we say hypnosis?

Oh, a simple calculation: if we said that hypnosis is the state of the deepest concentration that can be reached in order to achieve maximum goal attainment, then in achieving concentration we have reached an independent hypnotic state not by the familiar hypnosis process, yet we will be in a hypnotic state controlled by us. So I decided to call it “hypnosis”, because two of the three conditions for hypnosis exist: “suggestion”, and also the “concentration” itself. So let’s call it self-hypnosis.


Concentration exercise?

Yes, but not now. In the future we will upload some concentration exercises here even though you can find lots on the internet. Today we will only list a few tips that I think are good for concentration (you are allowed disagree with me on that).


1. Weaning from technology (yes, we will moderate the use of cell phones. Why? It is the main cause of the minority in concentration on one thing, but causes us to disperse on several things at once without giving any of them enough attention. In other words, catastrophe for telekinesis or telepathy).

2. Do not overdo meditation (the kind that should be away from any noise and disturbance). Meditation is an excellent practice for success in telekinesis, but do not overdo it, because we must be able to concentrate in a natural environment for us that can include a bit of noise.

3. Coffee and chocolate, in the right dosage, can actually be beneficial for a concentration that will be helpful. (What is the correct dose? Ask a doctor).

4. Healthy food – necessary, and not just for telekinesis.

5. Regular and not excessive physical activity – a must for telekinesis.


See you in the next lesson!


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